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Energetic Materials

The synthesis of energetic, non-nuclear materials for military and space applications has been a long-term goal in our research group.

The Challenge

Several approaches are being pursued to provide new energetic materials to meet future challenges. One approach is the synthesis of all-nitrogen or nitrogen-rich energetic materials.

The necessity to research new explosives stems from several perspectives, including military, civilian, industrial, and scientific reasons.

1. Safety Aspects

Traditional explosives can be unstable and may unintentionally detonate under certain conditions, such as heat or shock. New explosives can be developed to be more stable and safer to handle, reducing the risk of accidents during storage, transport, and use.

2. Efficiency and Performance

Higher Energy Yield: Researching new explosives can lead to the development of materials that offer higher energy yield. This means that smaller quantities of explosives are needed to achieve the same effect, saving both costs and weight.

Improved Performance Parameters: New explosives can have better performance parameters, such as faster detonation speed and higher blast wave intensity, which are advantageous for specific applications like penetrating armor or demolishing structures.

3. Environmental Friendliness

Reduction of Toxic Residues: Many traditional explosives are toxic or leave toxic residues that can endanger the environment and health. Developing more environmentally friendly explosives that produce fewer harmful (by)products contributes to sustainability and environmental protection. Especially the European REACH regulation requires new materials with lower toxicities.

Biodegradable Components: New research can lead to explosives with biodegradable components, minimizing long-term environmental impact and simplifying decontamination processes.

5. Scientific Advances

Researching new explosives provides insights into chemical reaction mechanisms and material behavior under extreme conditions. These findings can also be useful in other scientific and technological areas.The development of new explosives requires an interdisciplinary approach, encompassing chemistry, physics, materials science, and engineering. This fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange between different scientific disciplines.

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